Fall Goods

Each year I’ve thought I expanded enough of our Fall items, that I wouldn’t sell out within a week. Well, this year we lasted 1.5 weeks. And although we’re right next door to my favorite local pumpkin patch, we will continue to offer a selection of specialty Fall items. This year specifically we sold a lot to our florists and direct to brides for white pumpkin filled weddings. Along with pumpkins, we offer gourds, ornamental corn, broom corn and corn stalks. In 2024 we will continue to sell to our florists, along with displays to restaurants, offices, and to the general customer.


Holiday Greens

As soon as the stand is cleared of Autumn, orders are already coming in for our Holiday Greens. We offer a variety of Holiday wreaths, along with other goods that make for perfect gifts, like ornaments, popcorn, tea, dried flower ornaments and more.